Project Cost Service

Service details of charges

Note: 1 charges calculated according to the building cost for using the balance rate tranches progressivemethod. The final completion of 2 review, both sidescan also be increasing (decreasing) nuclear calculationconsulting fee amount percentage method, specific standards set by the two sides in the contract.

1 design budget estimate making

The minimum fee: 3000 yuan / 5000000 yuan of the following: 4.

5000000 yuan, 10000000 Yuan: 10000000 yuan50000000 yuan 2  - 1.5 ‰:

50000000 yuan, 100000000 yuan: 100000000 yuan500000000 yuan 1  - 0.6 ‰:

500000000 yuan: 0.4 ‰

The 2 budget bid and bidding

The minimum fee: 3000 yuan / 5000000 yuan of the following: 5.

5000000 yuan, 10000000 Yuan: 10000000 yuan50000000 yuan 3  - 2.5 ‰:

50000000 yuan, 100000000 yuan: 100000000 yuan500000000 yuan 1.5  - 1 ‰:

500000000 yuan: 0.8 ‰

3 the preparation of the completion settlement

The minimum fee: 3000 yuan / 5000000 yuan of the following: 6.

5000000 yuan, 10000000 Yuan: 10000000 yuan50000000 yuan 4  - 3 ‰:

50000000 yuan, 100000000 yuan: 100000000 yuan500000000 yuan 2  - 1.5 ‰:

500000000 yuan: 1 ‰

The 4 review design budgetary estimate

The minimum fee: 3000 yuan / 5000000 yuan of the following: 2.

5000000 yuan, 10000000 Yuan: 10000000 yuan50000000 yuan 1  - 0.8 ‰:

50000000 yuan, 100000000 yuan: 100000000 yuan500000000 yuan 0.5  - 0.3 ‰:

500000000 yuan: 0.2 ‰

5 Audit budget, bidding

The minimum fee: 3000 yuan / 5000000 yuan of the following: 3.

5000000 yuan, 10000000 Yuan: 10000000 yuan50000000 yuan 2  - 1.5 ‰:

50000000 yuan, 100000000 yuan: 100000000 yuan500000000 yuan 1  - 0.8 ‰:

500000000 yuan: 0.6 ‰

6 Audit of completion settlement

The minimum fee: 3000 yuan / 5000000 yuan of the following: 7.

5000000 yuan, 10000000 Yuan: 10000000 yuan50000000 yuan 5  - 4 ‰:

50000000 yuan, 100000000 yuan: 100000000 yuan500000000 yuan 3  - 2 ‰:

500000000 yuan: 1 ‰

7 the implementation stage of the project cost, control

The minimum fee: 3000 yuan / 5000000 yuan of the following: 12.

5000000 yuan, 10000000 Yuan: 10000000 yuan50000000 yuan 8  - 6.5 ‰:

50000000 yuan, 100000000 yuan: 100000000 yuan500000000 yuan 5  - 3.5 ‰:

500000000 yuan: 2.5 ‰

8 construction cost dispute.

The minimum fee: 3000 yuan / 5000000 yuan of the following: 8.

5000000 yuan, 10000000 Yuan: 10000000 yuan50000000 yuan 6  - 5 ‰:

50000000 yuan, 100000000 yuan: 100000000 yuan500000000 yuan 4  - 3 ‰:

500000000 yuan: 2 ‰